Home Emergency Preparation
Home Emergency Preparation sites offer a great deal of information (including government) about what you should do to prepare your home for a pending emergency or catastrophe. Emergency preparedness is more than stocking your pantry with 5 yr shelf life food and water items, also ensure the completeness of your survival kits to include emergency shelter and fire starting for warmth. If your home is trashed, you need to improvise for everything else.
Survival-gear.com does offer 3 day emergency kits for home and family. Even office use. What you need to survive.
Disaster can strike quickly and without warning. It can force you to evacuate your neighborhood, workplace or school or can confine you to your home. What would you do if basic services – water, gas, electricity or telephones – were cut off?
You may need to survive on your own after a disaster. This means having your own food, water, and other supplies in sufficient quantity to last for at least three days. Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone immediately. You could get help in hours, or it might take days.