LBE Gear

Welcome to our Load Bearing Equipment (LBE) category, where you'll find essential gear to enhance your outdoor and survival experiences. This page features two comprehensive LBE sets designed to meet the needs of any adventurer. Our Basic Kit includes a robust harness, a sturdy belt, canteens, canteen covers, and two versatile canteen cups. For those requiring additional storage and versatility, our Complete Setup builds on the Basic Kit by adding two ammo pouches, an optional butt pack, and a canteen cup stove for efficient cooking in the field. Each piece of equipment is crafted from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and reliability in the harshest conditions.

Load Bearing Equipment

Equip yourself with our LBE gear to ensure you're prepared for any situation, with all your essential tools and resources comfortably and efficiently carried. Explore our product offerings and choose the setup that best fits your needs for your next adventure.

All-Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment or ALICE gear used by soldiers to carry their everyday equipment.

More information on the LBE gear is at the Wiki site: here.